
4 common foods causing early puberty in girls

Puberty is a milestone in a boy’s or girl’s life that occurs when he or she becomes sexually mature. Boys usually reach this milestone between the ages of 12 and 16, while girls attain it a little earlier between 10 and 14 years old. The major landmarks of puberty for boys include pubic hair, genital growth, and the first ejaculation. For girls, it is comprised of pubic hair, breast development, and the onset lace ... of menstruation.

As children already grow quicker than their parents want them to, recent research is revealing American girls are entering puberty earlier than ever before. The average age for breast development is now 9 years old. However, some rare cases are showing girls as young as four years old are precociously entering puberty.

Why are young girls entering puberty at such an early age?

This precocious puberty is triggered by a premature hormone release. Studies indicate that endocrine disrupting chemicals are the contributing factor.

Additionally, experts say that starting puberty earlier can be metabolically dangerous. For girls, starting menstruation early “is a risk factor for depression during adolescence and breast cancer during adulthood.”

Caffeine and aspartame blamed for early onset puberty in girls


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