
Folks; what I wish that I could get you all to understand is that cps and the family courts have no intentions of ever returning your children/grandchildren. They take our children which is their only goal in mind on day one so they can line their pockets with the money they can get from selling our children. You don't have to take my word for it. All you have to do is go into every single cps group, and see the thousands of parents talking about what happened to them. You know what? It is all the same story, just different players in every state. I have over 2,000 families that I work with trying to get their kids back, there are thousands more working with advocates all over the U.S. Statistically; don't you think that more than a hand full of these families in each state should have been reunited with their children? Statistically; how is it even fathomable that there are thousands upon thousands of bad parents in every state? How is it statistically possible that all of these thousands of families have no qualified kin to step in and take their children while they battled cps and the courts? Statistically; One in every 18 children removed by cps was justifiably removed for legitimate abuse and neglect. Statistically; mothers who have lost their children to a tragedy (and this is just like a tragedy) will commit suicide within 7 years of losing their children. Staying quiet, obeying their commands out of fear, is only buying them time because they are going to sell your children anyway. This system is set up to do exactly what it is doing. Our children have become a commodity, marketable, better than the drug cartel. They target families who do not know their rights, do not have rich relatives and/or friends, who are struggling to pay rents, mortgages, car pmts. insurance, gas prices, food, etc...because they know that we would never be able to come up with enough money or an attorney with any integrity and morals to help us fight against them. The Government retains a high priced attorney to protect CPS and these corrupt Judges indefinitely. They can tie up your case for the next 10 - 20 years, but you won't make it that long because the courts, CPS, these attorneys, child support, fees and fines, etc...will bankrupt you within the first year of this fight. They walk away with your children and make thousands on them, and you walk away broke, homeless, bankrupt, jobless, with records from their fraudulent arrests because they needed to get you out of the way so they could move forward with selling your children. Some families even believe that if they move to another state, after Cps and the courts have removed and adopted out their other 2 - 3 kids, that they can start over, start another family, only to discover that CPS in that state will come and take away any future children that they may have and use the very same allegations and techniques they used against them to remove their prior children. As I said, you don't have to take my word for it, the proof shows itself in every single one of these cases. The only time I have actually seen anyone get their children back out of state care, is when they suddenly came into a large amount of money to hire a real attorney, or when they have accumulated enough evidence to hang their judges and cps depts. Those of you who keep plugging away, throwing good money after bad, are doing exactly that and feeding the machine. The only way we are going to stop this vile, corrupt, greed ridden system, is to stand up together and demand justice. Going through the courts, filing motions, trying to obey their every demand, just is not going to work. They have you where they want you and you are giving them that. My oldest son said it best, "I DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!" So, why are we?