tight homecoming

1 and 2 were fucking great so stfu and hop the fuck off... secondly we got to see more build with Tobey through EACH AND EVERY FUCKING SR SPIDERMAN NO MATTER HOW TRASH HE WAS... jeez... I swear... ya act like ya wasn't in the movies as a kid hyped af.... now look at ya.... a bunch of fucking poor bad rotten tomato, not even certified reddit reviewers.... Pathetic... ya shitting on ya on child hood now due to w.e realization.... honestly I loved Tobey McGuire in spider man 1 and 2, Why? Because... 1 gave us the intro to his story, they may have scrapped some of the ideas such as the webshooters for a more raw and natural spiderman but this was one of the great things I loved about this spiderman... in the comics spidey has a majority of spider like abilities but exclude webbing.... so to make up for not adding in webshooters (that looked like shit anyways for that timeline) THAT WOULDN'T BE SEEN ANYWAYS made perfect sense.... not only that but Sam Raimis spiderman has the best depiction on uncle Ben's death and the whole with great power comes great responsibility thing... on top of that it literally was the FIRST TIME we got to see the upside down spider kiss.... BOIIIII IF YOU DON'T,
Nigga ya must not remember that hype when this nigga spidey had Mary Jane in one hand and a WHOLE ASS trolley or w.e in the other... AND HELD ON BY A FUCKING WIRE.... BRO WHAT? That's not even the best part tho, I'm talking bout when NEW YORKERS started helping spidey out on that SAME BRIDGE THAT EVERY NEW YORKER KNOW ABOUT.... NIGGA HOW MANY TIMES HAVE WE SEEN ANDREW GARFIELD OR TOM HOLLAND CONNECT LIKE THAT WITH NEW YORKERS???? oh wait... that's right... only other person to have that soul connection with NEW YORKERS as spidey was Andrew Garfield when he got shot in the leg and they put each crane up to help him swing.... and see yes we have a long way to go with tom.... BUT YAH BETTA PUT RESPEKT ON THE Ogs Tobey Mcguire name.... ion wanna hear it, we have all these modernized super hero film's that have better graphics and shit yet because of this we shit on old greats..... spiderman 2 was great because it gave us the same feeling that TASM 2 gave us when Peter was struggling to stay away from gwen.... this nigga Tobey was dumb tight in spiderman 2... nigga lost his powers.... OVER A BITCH THAT WASN'T EVEN HIS.... jk.... but nah spiderman 2 basically gave the lesson that spiderman homecoming did recently.... if you need the suit it doesn't make you spider man.... and Tobey deff learned that and had his powers back eventually... now see... homecoming has so many problems with it based off of story line, characters, and other shit..... first off... we get it... no background story on oscorps, how he became spidey, or how uncle Ben died.... we totally get it.... but HOW... HOW DO YOU THROW SHOCKER, VULTURE AND A BONUS villain in the mix.... so lemme get this straight.... ya shit on spiderman 3 for adding three villains, ya shit on TASM 2 for adding three villains, and BOTH FRANCHISES get closed???? But when Tom holland does it... No complaints.... now yes.... Tom Holland is a great TEEN spider man with all his goofy and quirkiness... but Tobey.... that's the spider MAN right there tight homecoming