
IM TAKEN 50,000. Joan
Please DON'T GIVE UP! It took 6-7 months to really feel an improvement after taking high doses of vitamin D.I had a blood test every 2 months in order to see if my levels dropped under 50 ng /ml or went above 80 ng/ml ( I started at 16ng/ml). I took 6000 Ui in the beginning and then 4000 daily for maintanance.
I had pains all over my body and muscle twitching which gradually developed in 5 years. Now, after 9 months I am ... 75% better and my vitamin D levels are constant at 70 ng/ml ( I even have a notebook were I wrote down my pain level daily and I noticed the gradual improvement). I take 4000 UI daily to maintain my Vitamin D levels. If I take 2000 UI daily my levels drop (-20 ng/ml) in only one month! We need a high dosage to maintain the levels in the normal range and constant blood tests to see how we absorb this vitamin.
I even had vision changes (I saw colours with my eyes closed, visual snow and increased after images and floaters) and tinnitus and everything improved by 75 % (except the floaters which never go away), but dont forget: It took 7 months to really see great improvement and each month I am improving!
I felt like fainting and this symptom is gone,too. The pain was unbereable, I thought I was going to die and the doctors couldn't find anything! I had every test under the sun, even Lyme disease tests and nothing was found. And this miracle vitamin simply improved it all and I hope to be 100% one day. But 75 % is enough to lead a normal life. The pain is in the background and i barely notice it. now .
I DO believe that most cases of fibromyalgia are misdiagnosed and they are actually Vitamin D deficiency cases. I also had symptoms like muscle twitching, vibration sensation all over my body, burning and stinging sensation which are mostly gone. My nervous system was falling apart.My initial VItamin D level 9 months ago was 16 ng/ml, so I can't say I had osteomalacia ( it wasn't low enough to cause damage to the bones). I think it is something that affects the nervous system rather than the bones and it isn't well understood by the medical community. I think Vitamin D directly affects the brain. wedding
PLEASE DON"T GIVE UP! IT really takes 6-7 months to really feel better. If you give up, the Vitamin D levels drop really fast and you will never know that Vitamin D deficiency was actually the real cause of your strange and horrible symptoms!
It really gave my life back. I wish you all the best.
I also want to let you know that I did't take any kind of medication during this Vitamin D treatment or before, even though the doctors wanted to prescribe me antidepressants for the pain, I refused to take them.

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