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It’s intermission....time to gather my thoughts we arrived at the Carolina Theater, the Silver Fox and I looked at each other and giggled...what were we DOING here in this sea of gray heads?? Mixed in with all these OLD people...with too short slacks, spotty faces, and swollen knuckles...surely we were a generation behind ....maybe even two..

We found our seats and then the lights dimmed and Arthur Garfunkel emerged...stage left as they say. The spot light illuminated an old man....there he stood, as skinny as ever ..and dressed much like always...time stood still .. .and not just time, that old minstrel stood before us offering words of apology because..well.. you see his heart was much the same, but he explained, not the voice... it seems he wore it out...But, he assured us, he had been mending it these past 5 years and now he was trying it back on for size. winter formal dresses

And then he lifted the mike and out of his mouth came as sweet and as pure a sound as it had ever been...April Come She Will ..... ? and suddenly the magic happened... time stood still and we all were sucked back into a time warp...the angst of the 60’s and the freedom of the 70’s filled the room ..and then the tears came unbidden.... it wasn’t just me either; those forgotten years were tracking down all those faces around me ..memories washing the wrinkles away...

We were in a room of our contemporaries... and as Arthur sung about life, memories of raising children, taking trains, new jobs, falling in and out of love and war, and waking to bright and crisp mornings ..all those past lives hanging In the air above those grey heads. All lost in the dreams of their particular life’s stories ..resurrecting the dead ..reliving what would become their future ....bittersweet...

Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water Studio Version Lyrics: When you're weary Feeling small When tears are in your eyes I will dry them all I'm on your side When times get rough And friends